How to log in from an external form


This wizard creates a HTML form template for logging in to Monsta FTP from an external source. You can use this form to dynamically create login forms from dashboards.



What type of connection is this?
What is the URL of your Monsta FTP install?
(Folder names must include a trailing slash)
Do you want to set an initial directory?
Yes No
Where should users be redirected to upon logging out? (optional)
What is the FTP host address?
What is the FTP host port? (If left empty, the default port will be 21)
Do you want to set FTP to passive mode? (recommended)
Yes No
Do you want to connect over SSL? (Your PHP install must support SSL)
Yes No
Do you want to set a username?
Yes No
Do you want to set a password?
Yes No
Set the URL users are redirected to on failed login (optional)
Your HTML code will appear here


Copy and paste the code above to your login page. Values you can replace dynamically are shown in {parenthesis}.